Source code for smqtk_core.plugin

Helper functions and mixin interface for implementing class type discovery,
filtering and a convenience mixin class.

This package provides a number of `discover_via_...` functions that return sets
of type instances as found by the method described by that function.

These methods may be composed to create a pool of types that may be then
filtered via the `filter_plugin_types` function to those types that are
specifically "plugin types" for the given interface class.
See the `is_valid_plugin` function documentation for what it means to be a
"plugin" of an interface type.

While the above are defined in fairly general terms, the `Pluggable` class type
defined last here is a mixin class that utilizes all of the above in a manner
specific manner for the purposes of SMQTK.
This mixin class defines the class-method ``get_impls()`` that will return
currently discoverable plugins underneath the type it was called on.
This discovery will follow the values of the ``PLUGIN_ENV_VAR`` and
``PLUGIN_NAMESPACE`` class variables defined in the interface class you are
calling ``get_impls()`` from, using inherited values if not immediately

Because these plugin semantics are pretty low level and commonly utilized,
logging can be extremely verbose. Logging in this module, while still exists,
is set to emit only at log level 1 or lower ("trace").

**NOTE:** The type annotations for `discover_via_subclasses` and
`filter_plugin_types` are currently set to the broad `Type` annotation.
Ideally these should use `Type[T]` instead, but there is currently a
`known issue with mypy`_ where it aggressively assumes that an annotated
type *must* be constructable, so it emits an error when the functions are
called with an abstract `interface_type`. When this is resolved in mypy
these annotations should be updated.

.. _known issue with mypy:


import abc
import importlib
import inspect
import logging
import os
import sys
import types
from typing import cast, Collection, FrozenSet, Iterable, Set, Type, TypeVar

# Before 3.8, we depend on importlib_metadata >=3.7.0, which is in parity with
# the python version 3.10+ `importlib.metadata.entry_points`.
# After 3.10, the method of accessing entrypoints is the same as when using the
# importlib_metadata package.
# This comparison IS NOT CHAINED on purpose to support mypy compatibility.
# noinspection PyChainedComparisons
if sys.version_info >= (3, 8) and sys.version_info < (3, 10):
    import importlib.metadata as metadata

    def get_ns_entrypoints(ns: str) -> Iterable["metadata.EntryPoint"]:
        return metadata.entry_points().get(ns, ())
    if sys.version_info < (3, 8):
        import importlib_metadata as metadata
        # must be >=3.10
        import importlib.metadata as metadata

    def get_ns_entrypoints(ns: str) -> Iterable["metadata.EntryPoint"]:
        return metadata.entry_points(group=ns)  # lgtm [py/call/wrong-named-argument]

# Environment variable *PATH separator for the current platform.
OS_ENV_PATH_SEP = os.pathsep

_EMPTY_FROZENSET_STR: FrozenSet[str] = frozenset()

# Generic Type variable
T = TypeVar("T")
# Type variable for something that would descend from Pluggable
P = TypeVar("P", bound="Pluggable")

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def is_valid_plugin(cls: Type, interface_type: Type) -> bool: """ Determine if a class type is a valid candidate for plugin discovery. In particular, the class type ``cls`` must satisfy several conditions: 1. It must not literally be the given interface type. 2. It must be a strict subtype of ``interface_type``. 3. It must not be an abstract class. (i.e. no lingering abstract methods or properties if the `abc.ABCMeta` metaclass has been used). 4. If the cls is a subclass of Pluggable, it must report as usable via its is_usable() class method. Logging for this function, when enabled can be very verbose, and is only active with a logging level of 1 or lower. :param cls: The class type whose validity is being tested :param interface_type: The base class under consideration :return: ``True`` if the class is a valid candidate for discovery, and ``False`` otherwise. :rtype: bool """ log_prefix = f"[{interface_type.__name__} ->? {cls.__module__}.{cls.__name__}]" llevel = 1 if cls is interface_type: LOG.log(llevel, f"{log_prefix} [skip] Literally the base class.") return False elif not issubclass(cls, interface_type): LOG.log(llevel, f"{log_prefix} [skip] Does not descend from base class.") return False else: # We've narrowed cls down to a subclass of `interface_type`. # Next we want to know if there are not-yet-implemented # abstract methods. if inspect.isabstract(cls): # Type checking does not easily introspect that # `__abstractmethods__` is an attribute of types derived from that # metaclass, thus the use of `getattr` here. cls_abstract_methods: FrozenSet[str] = getattr( cls, "__abstractmethods__", _EMPTY_FROZENSET_STR ) LOG.log( llevel, f"{log_prefix} [skip] Does not implement one or " f"more abstract methods: {list(cls_abstract_methods)}" ) return False elif issubclass(cls, Pluggable) and not cls.is_usable(): # Class inherits from Pluggable and does not report itself as # usable. LOG.log(llevel, f"{log_prefix} [skip] Class does not report as usable.") return False else: LOG.log(llevel, f"{log_prefix} [KEEP] Retaining subclass.") return True
def _collect_types_in_module(module: types.ModuleType) -> Set[Type]: """ Common method of returning a set of class types defined in a python module. If you happened to want to dynamically reload the types in a module that is updated during runtime: .. code-block:: python module = importlib.reload(module) _collect_types_in_module(module) """ type_set: Set[Type] = set() for attr_name in dir(module): attr = getattr(module, attr_name) if isinstance(attr, type): type_set.add(attr) return type_set
[docs]def discover_via_env_var(env_var: str) -> Set[Type]: """ Discover and return types specified in python-importable modules specified in the given environment variable. We expect the given environment variable to define zero or more python module paths from which to yield all contained type definitions (i.e. things that descent from `type`). If there is an empty path element, it is skipped (e.g. "foo::bar:baz" will only attempt importing `foo`, `bar` and `baz` modules). These python module paths should be separated with the same separator as would be used in the PYTHONPATH environment variable specification. If a module defines no class types, then no types are included from that source for return. An expected use-case for this discovery method is for modules that are not installed but otherwise accessible via the python search path. E.g. local modules, modules accessible through PYTHONPATH search path modification, modules accessible through `sys.path` modification. Any errors raised from attempting to import a module are propagated upward. :param env_var: The name of the environment variable to read from. :raises ModuleNotFoundError: When one or more module paths specified in the given environment variable are not importable. :return: Set of discovered types from the modules specified in the environment variable's contents. """ type_set: Set[Type] = set() env_var_paths = os.environ.get(env_var, "").split(OS_ENV_PATH_SEP) llevel = 1 # If no value, and empty string splits into `[""]`. if env_var_paths == [""]: LOG.log( llevel, f"Environment variable `{env_var}` not defined or did not " f"contain any module paths." ) for path in env_var_paths: # Skip empty strings if path: # May raise ModuleNotFoundError if `path` is not a valid, # importable module path. m = importlib.import_module(path) m_tset = _collect_types_in_module(m) LOG.log( llevel, f"For environment variable `{env_var}`, found module " f"path `{path}` with types: " f"{[t.__name__ for t in m_tset]}" ) type_set.update(m_tset) return type_set
[docs]class NotAModuleError(Exception): """ Exception for when the `discover_via_entrypoint_extensions` function found an entrypoint that was *not* a module specification. """
[docs]def discover_via_entrypoint_extensions(entrypoint_ns: str) -> Set[Type]: """ Discover and return types defined in modules exposed through the entry-point extensions defined for the given namespace by installed python packages. Other installed python packages may define one or more extensions for a namespace, as specified by `ns`, in their "". This should be a single or list of extensions that specify modules within the installed package where plugins for export are implemented. Currently, this method only accepts extensions that export a module as opposed to specifications of a specific attribute in a module. This is due to other methods of type discovery not necessarily honoring the selectivity that specific attribute specification provides (Looking at you `__subclasses__`...). For example, as a single specification string:: ... entry_points={ "smqtk_plugins": "my_package = my_package.plugins" ] ... Or in list form of multiple specification strings:: ... entry_points = { "smqtk_plugins": [ "my_package_mode_1 = my_package.mode_1.plugins", "my_package_mode_2 = my_package.mode_2.plugins", ] } ... :param entrypoint_ns: The name of the entry-point mapping in to look for extensions under. :return: Set of discovered types from the modules and class types specified in the extensions under the specified entry-point. """ type_set: Set[Type] = set() for entry_point in get_ns_entrypoints(entrypoint_ns): m = entry_point.load() if not isinstance(m, types.ModuleType): # Type ignoring here has to do with mypy in py3.7 not recognizing # these attributes, which are indeed valid, as existing in the # EntryPoint namedtuple. ep_name = # type: ignore[attr-defined] ep_val = entry_point.value # type: ignore[attr-defined] raise NotAModuleError( f"An entrypoint with key '{ep_name}' and value " f"'{ep_val}' did not specify a module (got an " f"object of type `{type(m).__name__}` instead): {m}\n" "A common cause for the issue is using an unsupported " "entrypoint specification along the lines of " "`foo = package.module:class`. Please change it to " "`foo = package.module` to fix the issue." ) else: type_set.update(_collect_types_in_module(m)) return type_set
[docs]def discover_via_subclasses(interface_type: Type) -> Set[Type]: """ Utilize the ``__subclasses__`` to discover nested subclasses for a given interface type. This approach will be able to observe any implementations that have been defined, anywhere at all, at the point of invocation, which can circumvent efforts towards specificity that other discovery methods may provide. For example, `discover_via_entrypoint_extensions` may return a single type that was specifically exported from a module whereas this method will, called afterwards, yield all the other types defined in that entry-point-imported module. The use of this discovery method may also result in different returns depending on the import state at the time of invocation. E.g. further imports may increase the quantity of returns from this function. This function uses depth-first-search when traversing subclass tree. Reference: NOTE: subclasses are retained via weak-references, so if a normal condition is exposing types from something that otherwise raised an exception or if a local definition is leaking, apparently an `import gc; gc.collect()` wipes out the return as long as it's not referenced, of course as long as its reference is not retained by something. :param interface_type: The interface type to recursively find subclasses under. :return: Set of recursive subclass types under `interface_type`. """ # __subclasses__ only returns *immediate* subclasses, i.e. one level. # To get nested subclasses we'll have to do some graph traversal. class_set = set() # Use a list (stack behavior) to track the descendant classes of # `interface_type`. Depth- vs. Breadth-first search should not matter here, # so just using lists here for theoretically more optimal array # caching. candidates = interface_type.__subclasses__() while candidates: class_type = candidates.pop() class_set.add(class_type) candidates.extend(class_type.__subclasses__()) return class_set
[docs]def filter_plugin_types( interface_type: Type, candidate_pool: Collection[Type] ) -> Set[Type]: """ Filter the given set of types to those that are "plugins" of the given interface type. See the documentation for :py:func:`is_valid_plugin` for what we define a "plugin type" to be relative to the given `interface_type`. We consider that there may be duplicate type instances in the given candidate pool. Due to this we will consider an instance of a type only once and return a set type to contain the validated types. :param interface_type: The parent type to filter on. :param candidate_pool: Some iterable of types from which to collect interface type plugins from. :return: Set of types that are considered "plugins" of the interface types following the above listed rules. """ return {cls for cls in candidate_pool if is_valid_plugin(cls, interface_type)}
[docs]class Pluggable(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ Interface for classes that have plugin implementations. """ __slots__ = () PLUGIN_ENV_VAR = "SMQTK_PLUGIN_PATH" PLUGIN_NAMESPACE = "smqtk_plugins"
[docs] @classmethod def get_impls(cls: Type[P]) -> Set[Type[P]]: """ Discover and return a set of classes that implement the calling class. See the various :func:`discover_via_*` functions in this module for more details on the logic of how implementing classes (aka "plugins") are discovered. The class-level variables ``PLUGIN_ENV_VAR`` and ``PLUGIN_NAMESPACE`` may be overridden to change what environment and entry-point extension are looked for, respectively. :return: Set of discovered class types that are considered "valid" plugins of this type. See :py:func:`is_valid_plugin` for what we define a "valid" type to be relative to this class. """ candidate_types = { *discover_via_env_var(cls.PLUGIN_ENV_VAR), *discover_via_entrypoint_extensions(cls.PLUGIN_NAMESPACE), *discover_via_subclasses(cls) } resolved_types = cast( Set[Type[P]], filter_plugin_types(cls, candidate_types) ) return resolved_types
[docs] @classmethod def is_usable(cls) -> bool: """ Check whether this class is available for use. Since certain plugin implementations may require additional dependencies that may not yet be available on the system, or other runtime conditions, this method may be overridden to check for those and return a boolean saying if the implementation is available for usable. When this method returns `True`, the class is declaring that it should be constructable and usable in the current environment. By default, this method will return True unless a subclass overrides this class-method with their specific logic. NOTES: - This should be a class method - When an implementation is deemed not usable, this should emit a (user) warning, or some other kind of logging, detailing why the implementation is not available for use. :return: Boolean determination of whether this implementation is usable in the current environment. :rtype: bool """ return True