Social Media Query ToolKit – Core

This pure-python package provides a bedrock of interfaces and utilities to supercharge abstract interfaces with the ability to find their own implementations, as well as to be able to factory construct arbitrary implementations of an abstract interface with an input JSON-compliant configuration dictionary. These features may be utilized separately but are designed to work synergistically.

from smqtk_core import Pluggable, Configurable
from smqtk_core.configuration import from_config_dict

# An abstract interface.
class MyNewInterface (Pluggable, Configurable):
    def work(self) -> None:
        "Abstract method for implementations to define."

if __name__ == "__main__"
    # Discover currently available implementations of the defined interface.
    implementation_set: Set[Type[MyNewInterface]] = MyNewInterface.get_impls()

    # With a configuration from some source (see the smqtk_core.configuration module)
    # we can instantiate a concrete instance for use.
    from my_app import get_config_from_somewhere
    config_json: Dict[str, Any] = get_config_from_somewhere()
    instance: MyNewInterface = from_config_dict(config_json, implementation_set)

    # Use the new instance!

Indices and tables